Superbugs: A Global Threat Expected to Kill 39 Millions by 2050
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when bacteria evolve to withstand the effects of antibiotics, making infections harder to treat.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when bacteria evolve to withstand the effects of antibiotics, making infections harder to treat.
The world is filled with borders that divide nations, but some are far more treacherous than others. These dangerous international
In the 21st century, science and religion grapple with profound questions, blending empirical evidence with spiritual beliefs. Their interplay influences ethics, technology, and societal values, shaping modern understanding and coexistence.
Discover the vibrant essence of African religions through rituals and rhythms, embodying the spirit and diversity of 17.89% of the global population.
Green heroes, the unsung champions of our planet, have long understood the profound impact that a single tree can have
The relationship between nature and human health is profoundly related. Numerous scholarly researches illustrate that regular exposure to natural environments
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Research on pornography and the neurological harms expected from watching explicit materials online that causes a brain change in the long run with a long-term effect on brain activities.
The debate on the impact of pornography on society and sociocultural values is a longstanding one. The debate motion “Pornography
In-depth research on the existing Rohingya crisis and its possible impacts on the environment, economy, healthcare, internal security, population explosion, the conflict between the refugees and the host community in Bangladesh.
Data research on cultural globalisation and its impact on Bangladeshi cultural heritage. The so-called infrastructural development is responsible for moral, cultural values and decay of mother nature.
Have you wondered which are the longest words in English? You might have wondered how long it or they might
বাংলাদেশের স্বাস্থ্য ব্যয়ের উপর একটি গবেষণা। আমি নিজে ও বাংলাদেশের সাধারণ মানুষেরা চিকিৎসা সেবা পেতে গিয়ে অর্থের অভাবে যে বিপত্তির মুখামুখি হচ্ছে তা অনুধাবনের কষ্টই প্রবন্ধটির প্রধান কারণ।
Through data research, I have tried to show treatment how costly an affair for the poor section of the population. The doctors in private and public hospitals make healthcare inaccessible.
I tried to show how mental health is taking a toll on Bangladeshis and how alarmingly the cases of suicide are increasing due to multiples reasons like familial dispute, poverty, and dissatisfaction.
নিরাপদ সড়ক আন্দোলন নিয়ে আমাদের অনেকের অনেক প্রত্যাশা ছিল বটে, তবে শুধু যে অপরাধী চালকদের শাস্তিই প্রতিষেধক নয় এটি তার একটি সমীক্ষা।
The data research article shows how pornography has been able to kill romance making it a sadistic affair of men and women subjecting it to fetishism. Bestiality is considered as sexuality.
Research-based study on traffic casualties in Bangladesh. It shows the primary reasons behind the traffic fatalities in the light of global research institutions. The study compares Japanese traffic development.
Research on the current drug addiction trend among students and celebrities. The article shows how the most commonly used and available drug Yaba (methamphetamine) causing fatal harm.