The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (1963) and Its Transformative Power of What You Desire To Be

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (1963) and Its Transformative Power of What You Desire To Be

Joseph Murphy’s The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is a thought-provoking exploration of the untapped potential within each of us. With intellectual precision and emotional resonance, Murphy delves into the intricate workings of the human mind, explaining how the subconscious influences every aspect of our lives.

The premise of the book is simple yet profound: by harnessing the power of our subconscious, we can shape our destiny and unlock miracles in health, wealth, and happiness.

Murphy outlines the duality of the mind—the conscious and subconscious—and stresses the significant impact that thoughts and beliefs have on our reality. He argues that our subconscious mind responds directly to the ideas we impress upon it, either consciously or through habitual thinking. This means that every negative thought or doubt we harbor can manifest as limitation, fear, or failure, while positive affirmations can create a life of abundance, health, and success.

The human mind is often likened to an iceberg: the conscious mind represents the visible tip, while the subconscious, a vast reservoir of untapped potential, lies beneath. In Joseph Murphy’s seminal work, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, this enigmatic yet profoundly powerful aspect of our mental framework is explored with depth and practicality.

As I delved into Murphy’s teachings, I found myself not just enlightened but transformed by the simple yet profound truth that our habitual thoughts shape our destiny.

A Personal Awakening

Like many, I had often heard the phrase, “You become what you think about most of the time.” However, it wasn’t until I immersed myself in Murphy’s exploration of the subconscious that I truly grasped the magnitude of this truth.

The subconscious mind, as Murphy emphasizes, is the seat of our emotions, creativity, and innate wisdom. It is where dreams are born, fears take root, and beliefs manifest into reality.

Reflecting on my life, I noticed patterns that aligned with Murphy’s insights. For years, I harbored self-doubt, often telling myself, “I’m not good enough.”

This thought, repeatedly impressed upon my subconscious, created barriers to my success. It wasn’t until I consciously began reprogramming my mind with affirmations—“I am capable,” “I deserve success”—that I witnessed tangible changes. Opportunities appeared where once there were obstacles, and I realized that my subconscious had always been working; I simply hadn’t been giving it the right instructions.

The Science Behind the Subconscious

Murphy’s book delves into the mechanics of how the subconscious functions. He likens the conscious mind to a gardener planting seeds (thoughts) in the fertile soil of the subconscious. Whatever seeds are sown—whether of abundance or lack, love or fear—will inevitably grow.

Every thought is a cause, and every condition is an effect,” Murphy asserts. This principle explains why our dominant thoughts often materialize in our external world. The subconscious mind does not differentiate between positive or negative; it accepts and manifests whatever the conscious mind believes to be true.

This insight resonated deeply with me.

I recalled an instance when, overwhelmed by financial worries, I repeatedly thought, “I can’t afford this.” My circumstances seemed to worsen.

Inspired by Murphy, I replaced this with, “I am financially abundant,” and though skeptical at first, I noticed subtle shifts. A side project unexpectedly flourished, bringing in additional income. Coincidence? Perhaps. But as Murphy explains, “Your subconscious mind is principle. It works according to the law of belief.”

Practical Techniques

Murphy’s work is not merely theoretical; it is a practical guide. Among the techniques he outlines, I found these particularly transformative:

1. The Affirmative Meth

Murphy advises crafting positive affirmations and repeating them with conviction. He shares the story of a woman who overcame poverty by affirming daily, “Wealth is circulating in my life. I am prosperous.” Her subconscious, responding to this persistent suggestion, aligned her circumstances with her belief

2. Visualization

Visualization involves creating a mental image of the desired outcome. Murphy recounts how a young artist visualized her paintings in prestigious galleries and, through persistent belief, achieved this goal.

I’ve adopted this practice, vividly picturing my goals—whether it’s acing a presentation or improving relationships—and the results have been remarkable.

3. The Thank You Technique

Gratitude, Murphy explains, amplifies the subconscious’s responsiveness. By expressing thanks for an outcome as though it’s already occurred, we align our subconscious with our desires. I’ve found this practice particularly powerful during moments of doubt.

4. Real-Life Miracles

One of the book’s most compelling aspects is the plethora of real-life stories that illustrate the power of the subconscious.

Murphy’s personal account of healing a malignancy through subconscious programming is awe-inspiring. By repeatedly affirming his perfect health and visualizing a healed body, he activated his subconscious’s innate healing ability.

Similarly, I recall a friend who struggled with debilitating anxiety. Inspired by Murphy, she began a nightly ritual: silently affirming peace and picturing herself confidently navigating her day. Within weeks, her demeanor transformed, and she became a testament to the subconscious’s power to heal.

The Role of Belief

At the core of Murphy’s teachings is the “law of belief.” He writes, “As a man thinks, feels, and believes, so is the condition of his mind, body, and circumstances.” This universal principle transcends religious and cultural boundaries, resonating with teachings from ancient scriptures to modern psychology.

Murphy’s assertion that belief—not ritual or dogma—is the key to answered prayers profoundly impacted me. I began to examine my own beliefs and noticed how deeply ingrained fears and doubts had shaped my experiences. Replacing these with empowering beliefs required effort and persistence, but the rewards were immeasurable.

Challenges and Persistence

Retraining the subconscious is not without its challenges. Negative thought patterns, often established over years, resist change. Murphy acknowledges this and urges readers to persist. “The habitual thinking of your conscious mind establishes deep grooves in your subconscious mind,” he notes. Overcoming these grooves demands repetition and unwavering faith.

When I embarked on this journey, there were moments of skepticism. Yet, by consistently applying Murphy’s techniques, I witnessed shifts that bolstered my belief. The key, I’ve learned, is to “keep on keeping on,” as Murphy encourages.

Correlations Between “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” and Other Seminal Works

“The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy explores the transformative potential of the human subconscious, emphasizing belief, visualization, and positive mental conditioning as tools to shape reality. This philosophy resonates deeply with themes in the following influential books, each providing complementary insights on self-improvement, resilience, and purpose.

1. Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Frankl’s exploration of finding purpose amidst suffering aligns with Murphy’s assertion that belief shapes reality. Frankl highlights the power of meaning as a psychological anchor during adversity, a theme mirrored in Murphy’s emphasis on mental visualization to overcome challenges.

Both works underscore the mind’s ability to transcend external conditions through internal focus and belief. Explore more insights on finding meaning here.

2. When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold Kushner

Murphy and Kushner address the question of suffering and the human response to it. Kushner’s work suggests accepting life’s randomness while maintaining faith and resilience, which aligns with Murphy’s belief in the subconscious as a source of inner peace and guidance during turmoil.

Both advocate for harnessing inner strength to navigate life’s challenges.

Learn more about resilience and faith here.

3. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

Murphy’s philosophy closely parallels Peale’s emphasis on optimism and faith as tools for transformation.

Both authors advocate for positive affirmations and mental conditioning to overcome obstacles and manifest success. Murphy’s techniques, such as visualization and affirmation, align with Peale’s approach to cultivating a hopeful mindset.

Discover the principles of positive thinking here.

4. The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer

Singer’s concept of detaching from the “voice within” complements Murphy’s teachings on mastering the subconscious.

While Murphy emphasizes programming the subconscious with constructive thoughts, Singer focuses on observing thoughts without attachment. Together, these approaches offer a holistic view of mental clarity and empowerment.

Uncover life-changing lessons from The Untethered Soul here.

5. The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck

Peck’s themes of discipline and spiritual growth echo Murphy’s call for intentional thought patterns.

Both authors view challenges as opportunities for personal evolution, with Murphy focusing on mental visualization and Peck emphasizing responsibility and discipline. They converge on the idea that self-mastery leads to fulfillment.

Explore the psychology of change here.

7. Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Gladwell’s focus on the interplay between opportunity and preparation aligns with Murphy’s assertion that mental conditioning creates opportunities. Murphy’s teachings suggest that harnessing the subconscious amplifies one’s ability to seize opportunities, echoing Gladwell’s emphasis on preparation and environment.

8. The Courage to Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga

The Adlerian philosophy of separating personal value from societal judgment in The Courage to Be Disliked resonates with Murphy’s call to prioritize self-belief. Both works emphasize inner validation over external approval as the key to authentic living.

Delve into transformative life lessons here.

9. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown

Brown’s encouragement to embrace imperfection and cultivate self-compassion complements Murphy’s teachings on self-affirmation and belief. By integrating Murphy’s subconscious programming with Brown’s focus on authenticity, readers can foster holistic self-acceptance and resilience.

Find inspiration in embracing imperfection here.


Thoughts Create Reality

Murphy’s central message is that “as a man thinketh in his subconscious mind, so is he.” Our dominant thoughts and beliefs, whether good or bad, shape our experiences. For instance, if we consistently tell ourselves, “I can’t afford this,” our subconscious will create circumstances that reinforce that belief. Conversely, affirming “I am prosperous” will attract abundance.

The Law of Belief

The book emphasizes the importance of belief in achieving success. Murphy explains that belief is a thought held in the subconscious, and it is not the specific object of faith (whether religious or secular) that matters, but the belief itself.

This law operates universally, meaning that our subconscious mind will respond to the beliefs we hold as truths, whether they serve us or not.

Subconscious Reprogramming

Murphy provides practical methods to tap into the subconscious mind, such as visualization, affirmation, and autosuggestion.

He introduces techniques like the “mental movie method,” where one imagines the desired outcome vividly and emotionally, thereby impressing the subconscious mind to make it a reality. He encourages readers to engage in positive self-talk and to avoid negative suggestions.

Healing and Health

One of the most compelling parts of the book is its focus on the power of the subconscious to heal the body.

Murphy shares numerous case studies of people who have cured physical ailments through the power of suggestion and belief. He claims that by consistently affirming health and visualizing wellness, we can activate the healing mechanisms of our subconscious mind.

Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

Murphy stresses that fear is one of the greatest obstacles to personal achievement. He encourages readers to use their subconscious mind to overcome fear through positive affirmations. For instance, by affirming “I am calm, confident, and at peace,” individuals can reduce anxiety and invite calmness into their lives.

The Power of Prayer

Although the book is not explicitly religious, Murphy discusses the power of prayer as a form of aligning the conscious and subconscious minds.

He refers to this as “scientific prayer,” where one impresses the subconscious with a clear and specific request, believing in its fulfillment.

This process, he claims, can bring forth desired outcomes by invoking the creative forces within us.


Murphy’s teachings reveal that the greatest treasure lies within us. The subconscious mind is not merely a passive repository but an active partner in creating our reality. By consciously directing our thoughts, we can unlock its miracle-working power.

As I reflect on my journey, I’m reminded of Emerson’s words, quoted by Murphy: “There is one mind common to all individual men.” This shared subconscious reservoir connects us to infinite intelligence, boundless creativity, and divine wisdom. Embracing this truth has not only transformed my life but also deepened my appreciation for the limitless potential within us all.

In the words of Murphy, “Begin now, today, let wonders happen in your life!” And so, I invite you to embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment. The power of your subconscious mind awaits your command; use it wisely and boldly, for the life of your dreams is within reach.

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